
Are you recruiting VOLUNTEERS?
Your organization's dreams are incredible, and we thank you for your hard, ceaseless efforts to create an organization that builds a brighter, stronger community for all of us. But starting, maintaining, or managing an organization as incredibly rewarding as it can be – it can also be equally overwhelming. With the day-to-day operations, that grant you’ve been looking into and need to write an application for, there’s never a short list of must-do items on your calendar. This is where the South Okanagan Similkameen Community Connections Volunteer Centre (SOSCCVC) comes in. We take the work of promoting your volunteer opportunities onto multiple channels to get you the most exposure, so you can focus your time back in doing more good! Our primary goal is to connect organizations to volunteers! Join the Volunteer Centre & become part of the community network that draws on volunteer support.
Why become a FREE member?
Community Connections is common ground between volunteers and organizations looking for volunteer support.  Our mission is to support all organizations looking for volunteers and organizations that interact with our organization share the success in partnership with Community Connections Volunteer Centre.  Community Connections believes that a regional approach to volunteerism is what will build a successful, vibrant, connected Okanagan Similkameen Valley.  ​
Community Connections can support your organization by:
Promotion of your volunteer opportunities (on social media, newsletter, special events, and more) to our 1500+ registered Volunteers
Organizational spotlight to showcase your organization and volunteer opportunities.
Advocacy and networking opportunities for organizations and volunteers
Training and support for organizations
Member newsletter sharing grants, tips on volunteerism and trends specific to the Okanagan Similkameen
And so much more!
How to become a member or update contact information?
Step 1
Register/update contact info
Step 1 will require you to answer a few quick questions regarding contact info about your organization and who would be connecting with volunteers. If you are updating the information please select that option or if you are adding another contact for your organization.
Step 2
Listing volunteer role!
Sharing your volunteer role on our website is a FREE tool for our members. Experience has shown that listing once with multiple roles, often leads to low volunteer interest. List each role separately is highly recommended. If your role isn't posted on the website in 24 hours, email the office at
How does Community Connections help Organizations?
We assist over 110 Non-profit Organizations by promoting their volunteer opportunities to our 1500+ Volunteer base. We help inspire and recruit new volunteers in our communities and help create opportunities to appreciate all our local Volunteers.
How can we help with volunteer recruitment?
Community Connections Volunteer Centre continuously are connecting with volunteers, organizing opportunities for organizations to network with volunteers, supporting volunteers to find meaningful volunteer roles, advocating for volunteers as well as referring volunteers to organizations.
​How much is the membership fee?
As of 2022, our membership fee is FREE! It is our way to support all our local Non-profits, festivals, and partners who need Volunteers.
How can your organization help Community Connections?
SOS Community Connections Volunteer Centre is a non profit society that supports residents in the Okanagan Similkameen.
To show your appreciation for our service your organization can do any or all of the following:
Share our posts on social media and we will share yours as this will extend our reach to as many volunteers as possible.
List SOS Community Connections Volunteer Centre to your strategic plan as a stakeholder or strategic partner
Attend our member networking events to meet volunteers
Connect with staff at the centre to assist you in recruitment of volunteers
Join us at training opportunities to build a stronger region.